Robert J. Wellock

eXtensible WebSite Coding in Progress…
(Verbose: Site Evolution)
Cartoon Demon Floppy

Hello Aviator, I "Robert Wellock" Welcome you… I'm only a humble Biological Genius and who has had the misfortune of having a FireWall restricting certain - non educational - content. So it has resulted in a small but useful web presence…

The overall aim of this evolving eclectic site is to represent a digital-abstract; presenting applications of both eXtensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) technologies. So it is preferable to summon these pages using a modern XHTML and CSS compliant browser.

Therefore these pages have been carefully <coded> by my own hand; which is the only correct way to build web pages! These pages are guaranteed to be free from syntactical errors, until downloaded from the web server. HTML is dead, long live CSS and XHTML. };-)

Valid XHTML 1.1! Valid CSS!